Interact with ads, earn points, spend your points on takeout food at no cost at any restaurant partnered with Crate.
Getting Started
Eliminate your Food Budget
Make the most of your savings by shopping for what you love on Crate
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iOS and Android compatible
Explore new restaurants daily on Crate
Earn points by watching promotional ad content and trade them in for restaurant food anywhere partnered with us
Earn Points for every real ad impression watched
Follow Brands and influencers
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Find funny, relevant, relatable brand content on Crate
Shop Amazing Deals on Crate
Healthy Dining
We're committed to 50% of our Menu
We're adding more Takeout Partners Regularly
At Crate we Prioritize Health
Low Sodium, low added sugar, organic, high nutrient density food should be accessible to everyone
Available In

San Francisco (3)

San Francisco
The Cove on Castro
434 Castro St
San Francisco, California 94110
Tacos Del Barrio
2817 24th St
San Francisco, California 94110
Market Street Gyros
1400 Market St
San Francisco, California 94102

Redwood City*

Santa Cruz*

Santa Monica*

West Hollywood*

Sherman Oaks*

Venice Beach*

Los Angeles*

Ocean Beach SD*

* New locations coming soon
Take Full Advantage
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Engage with branded short form video ads, where the more you buy, the faster you can earn points
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Engage with personalized content that's relevant to your interests and spending patterns
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At no cost
Whether it's Dim sum for dinner or Tacos for lunch, Crate has you covered
Get answers to frequently asked questions about Crate as a Consumer
Yes. All food on Crate is free and exchangeable for points you earn in-app by interacting with short form video ads and shopping.
Earning points on Crate is easy. Every ad impression watched, which takes two seconds of video play, is one point or more. Every ad you click are additional points. When you buy a product from an ad you click on, you may receive additional points and rewards which can elevate your account status to a premium consumer where you can unlock even faster points.
Meals are priced by Crate and can range in between 100-510 points
Once you've accumulated enough points in your account, you can freely order any meal using your points by choosing a date and time reservation to pick up your food at any restaurant participating with Crate.
There are no limits for how many points a consumer can earn as long as your impressions meet our valid traffic policies and comply with our terms of service
We personalize ads so the products and services you see are the most relevant to you. You can manage your ad personalization preferences within your account settings under 'interests and Brands.' Crate personalizes ads based on what you give us in your account which also includes browsing habits. Browsing habits like the ads you click on, the products you may buy and scroll rate help us report back to advertisers general performance metrics unspecific to each user. We use this data to help elevate your account so more targeted advertisers can competitively place bids to reach you, thus widening and streamlining your food availability. While Crate does collect raw data to some extent, it's important to note that much of the data is anonymized and aggregated to protect individual privacy. Additionally, Crate will employ encryption techniques to secure sensitive user information, both in transit and at rest, to prevent unauthorized access.
Policy Center is a tool that helps you ensure you're to-date and compliant with our valid traffic and terms of service policies. You can use Policy Center to discover and fix any invalid engagement related policy violations. Crate works hard to balance a healthy advertising ecosystem where consumers, advertisers and merchants all benefit from our services. In order to maintain a healthy ecosystem we scan your impressions and clicks for invalid and ingenuine engagement. If we discover invalid activity associated with your account we may take action not limited to account suspension and cancellation. In general we prefer to work with our consumers to bring account health back to a sustained normal. You may see limited points until your account has demonstrated a stable pattern of valid traffic.