Terms & Policies

At Crate we are committed to creating a healthy global economy where everyone regardless of background stands to advance. Our mission to connect the world with free food allows us to conquer one the world's largest barriers to economic opportunity.

Enhanced Privacy Policy for Consumers on Crate Platforms (Version 2.0)

Effective Date: April 24, 2024

Last Update Date: July 10, 2024

Welcome to Crate Platforms! This Privacy Policy is designed to inform consumers about our data practices and how we protect your privacy when you interact with Crate.

1. Information Collection and Use

1.1 Data Collection

Crate is committed to providing consumers with personalized and seamless experiences on our platform. To achieve this, we collect various types of information, which may include:

  • Contact Details: When consumers interact with Crate, we may collect basic contact information such as name and email address. This information is used primarily for communication purposes, including responding to inquiries, providing updates about our services, and delivering relevant notifications.
  • User Preferences: Understanding consumer interests, behaviors, and interactions is essential for tailoring our services effectively. We collect data related to your preferences, such as preferred content categories, product interests, browsing history within the Crate platform, and engagement patterns. This information helps us personalize your experience, recommend relevant content, and optimize our offerings to better meet your needs.
  • Device Information: We gather device-related details such as IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, and device identifiers (e.g., unique device IDs) for analytics and security purposes. This data assists us in assessing platform performance, diagnosing technical issues, preventing fraudulent activities, and enhancing overall security measures. Device information also enables us to deliver optimized experiences based on your device specifications.
  • Location Data: With your consent, we may collect precise or approximate location data from your device. Location information helps us offer location-based services, deliver relevant content based on your geographic location, and provide localized features that enhance your experience with Crate.
  • Interaction Data: We capture data about how consumers interact with our platform, including actions taken, pages visited, content viewed, and engagement metrics (e.g., clicks, shares, likes). This interaction data enables us to analyze user behavior, improve usability, optimize content delivery, and refine our services to align with consumer preferences.
  • Transactional Information: In certain instances, such as purchasing products or services through Crate, we may collect transactional details including payment information, purchase history, and order fulfillment data. This information is used to process transactions securely, facilitate order management, and provide customer support related to purchases.
  • Social Media Information: If you choose to connect your social media accounts with Crate or use social login features, we may collect data from your social media profiles (e.g., profile information, friend lists, posts, and activities). This integration allows for personalized social experiences within our platform and helps us better understand and engage with our audience.

1.2 Usage of Information

The information collected by Crate is utilized for a variety of purposes aimed at enhancing user experiences, improving services, and maintaining platform functionality, including but not limited to:

  • Personalization: We leverage consumer data to tailor content, recommendations, and advertising to individual preferences, ensuring a more relevant and engaging experience on the Crate platform.
  • Service Delivery: Information is used to deliver requested services, process transactions, fulfill orders, and provide customer support efficiently.
  • Analytics and Insights: Consumer data fuels analytical processes that enable us to gain valuable insights into user behavior, platform performance, content effectiveness, and market trends. These insights drive informed decision-making, optimization strategies, and ongoing improvements to our offerings.
  • Communication: We use contact details to communicate with consumers regarding service updates, promotions, personalized recommendations, and important notifications related to their interactions with Crate.
  • Security and Fraud Prevention: Device information and user behavior data are utilized to detect and mitigate security threats, prevent fraudulent activities, safeguard consumer privacy, and ensure the integrity of our platform.
  • Research and Development: Anonymous or aggregated data may be used for research purposes, including product development, feature enhancement, and innovation initiatives aimed at improving overall user experiences and advancing our platform capabilities.
  • Legal Compliance: Certain data processing activities are conducted to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, ensuring consumer rights and protecting Crate’s legal interests.

2. Data Sharing and Disclosure

2.1 Third-Party Service Providers

Crate values transparency and consumer privacy, which extends to our partnerships with trusted third-party service providers. We may share consumer information with carefully selected third-party partners to facilitate the delivery, optimization, and analysis of platform services. These collaborations enable us to leverage specialized expertise, advanced technologies, and scalable infrastructure to enhance user experiences and drive platform innovation.

  • Strategic Partnerships for Enhanced Service Delivery: Collaborating with third-party service providers allows Crate to leverage industry-leading capabilities and resources to deliver seamless, efficient, and feature-rich platform experiences. These partnerships empower us to enhance service quality, expand service offerings, and implement innovative solutions that benefit consumers.
  • Data Security and Privacy Standards: Third-party service providers engaged by Crate are contractually obligated to uphold rigorous data security and privacy standards. Through legally binding agreements and comprehensive due diligence processes, we ensure that our partners adhere to industry best practices, regulatory requirements, and ethical guidelines governing the handling and safeguarding of consumer information.
  • Purpose-Limited Data Sharing: Consumer information shared with third-party service providers is strictly limited to the scope of services necessary to fulfill specific operational, analytical, or support functions. We prioritize data minimization principles, ensuring that only relevant information essential for service delivery and optimization is shared with external partners.
  • Compliance and Oversight: Crate maintains proactive oversight and compliance mechanisms to monitor and evaluate third-party engagements. This includes regular audits, performance assessments, and adherence to contractual obligations related to data security, confidentiality, and consumer privacy.

By fostering collaborative partnerships with trusted third-party service providers, Crate remains committed to safeguarding consumer privacy, maintaining data integrity, and delivering exceptional platform experiences that prioritize transparency, security, and user trust.

Crate is committed to upholding legal obligations and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations governing consumer privacy. In certain circumstances, Crate may be obligated to disclose consumer information if required by law or in response to valid legal requests, such as court orders, subpoenas, or other lawful requests from government agencies.

  • Adherence to Legal Requirements: Crate recognizes the importance of legal compliance and respects the authority of law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities. In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we may disclose consumer information when legally compelled or required to do so.
  • Due Process and Transparency: When responding to legal requests for consumer information, Crate follows established legal procedures and due process. We strive to ensure transparency to the extent permitted by law, providing notice to affected consumers when appropriate and feasible.
  • Protection of Consumer Rights: While complying with legal obligations, Crate remains committed to protecting consumer privacy rights and minimizing the impact on individual privacy. We prioritize lawful, proportionate, and responsible disclosures of consumer information in alignment with legal requirements.

3. Data Retention

Crate is committed to implementing responsible data retention practices to safeguard consumer privacy, maintain data integrity, and protect Crate’s legitimate interests. Our data retention policies are designed to ensure that consumer information is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and comply with applicable legal obligations and industry standards.

  • Purpose-Limited Retention: Consumer information is retained solely for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and related business activities. We do not retain data beyond what is necessary to achieve these specific purposes, ensuring that information is not kept longer than required for lawful and legitimate reasons.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Crate adheres to applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards governing data retention. We retain consumer information for the duration necessary to comply with legal obligations, regulatory requirements, contractual agreements, and legitimate business interests.
  • Data Integrity and Accuracy: We maintain the integrity and accuracy of consumer information throughout its retention period. Measures are in place to periodically review and update stored data to ensure it remains relevant, accurate, and up-to-date for the intended purposes.
  • Risk Management and Security: Our data retention policies contribute to effective risk management and data security. By retaining information for specified periods, we can address potential risks, resolve disputes, prevent fraud, and respond to legal inquiries or regulatory investigations.
  • Consumer Privacy Protection: Crate prioritizes consumer privacy protection throughout the data retention lifecycle. We employ appropriate security measures and access controls to safeguard retained information against unauthorized access, misuse, loss, or disclosure.
  • Secure Disposal or Anonymization: When consumer information is no longer needed for its intended purposes or legal requirements have been fulfilled, Crate ensures secure disposal or anonymization of the data in accordance with established data retention and disposal procedures. This includes securely deleting or anonymizing information to prevent unauthorized use or access.

By adhering to responsible data retention practices, Crate aims to demonstrate transparency, accountability, and respect for consumer privacy rights. Our policies reflect our commitment to maintaining data integrity, minimizing privacy risks, and protecting consumer information in alignment with legal and ethical standards.

4. Security Measures to Protect Consumer Information

At Crate, we prioritize the security and confidentiality of consumer information. We have implemented robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Our security practices include:

  • Secure Storage and Access Controls: Consumer information is stored in secure environments with strict access controls. We employ industry-standard practices to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data. Access controls are regularly reviewed and updated to mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access.
  • Encryption of Sensitive Data: We use encryption technologies to protect sensitive consumer data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that data transmitted between users and our platform, as well as data stored in our systems, remains confidential and secure. Encryption helps safeguard against unauthorized interception or access to sensitive information.
  • Regular Security Assessments and Monitoring: Crate conducts regular security assessments, including vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and audits, to identify and address potential security risks. Our security team continuously monitors our systems and infrastructure for suspicious activities or anomalies. Prompt detection and response to security incidents are integral to maintaining the integrity and security of consumer data.
  • Employee Training and Awareness: We provide comprehensive training and awareness programs to our employees on data security best practices and privacy policies. All personnel handling consumer information are educated on their responsibilities and obligations to protect data confidentiality and privacy.
  • Incident Response and Contingency Planning: Crate has established incident response procedures and contingency plans to effectively address security breaches or data incidents. In the event of a security incident, we follow predefined protocols to contain and mitigate the impact, notify affected parties as necessary, and take corrective actions to prevent future occurrences.

By implementing these comprehensive security measures and maintaining a proactive approach to cybersecurity, Crate aims to provide consumers with a secure and trustworthy platform for their interactions. We continuously evaluate and enhance our security practices to adapt to evolving threats and industry standards, ensuring the ongoing protection of consumer information.

5. Invalid Traffic

Crate is committed to maintaining the integrity of our advertising platform and ensuring that consumer interactions with advertisements are genuine and valid. Invalid traffic refers to any activity that artificially inflates ad interactions or misrepresents campaign performance. Examples of invalid traffic include but are not limited to:

  • Click Fraud: Deliberate clicking on ads with no genuine interest in the advertised content, aimed at depleting ad budgets.
  • Impression Fraud: Artificially generating ad impressions to misrepresent campaign reach and effectiveness.
  • Account Takeover: Unauthorized access to consumer accounts to manipulate ad interactions.

Crate’s Approach to Combat Invalid Traffic:

  • Monitoring and Analysis: We continuously monitor traffic patterns and user behavior to detect anomalies indicative of invalid traffic. Real-time analysis helps identify suspicious activity and take preventive action.
  • Machine Learning Algorithms: Crate leverages AI-driven algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns associated with invalid traffic. Machine learning models enable us to adapt and refine our detection capabilities over time.
  • IP Filtering and Device Recognition: We utilize IP filtering and device recognition techniques to detect and block traffic from suspicious IPs or devices associated with invalid activity.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Response: Our platform features continuous real-time monitoring of ad campaigns to promptly identify and address any signs of invalid traffic. Automated alerts and manual reviews ensure swift action against fraudulent activity.
  • Account Security Features: Crate implements stringent security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and secure login protocols, to prevent unauthorized access to consumer accounts and protect against account takeover.

By combating invalid traffic, Crate aims to uphold consumer trust and promote ethical advertising practices within our platform. We are committed to providing advertisers with transparent and accurate campaign performance metrics while ensuring that consumer interactions with ads are genuine and meaningful.

6. Collection of Sensitive Personal Information

Crate may request certain types of sensitive personal information from consumers to comply with legal obligations or to provide specific services. The collection and use of this information are governed by applicable laws and regulations, and Crate is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of such data.

Types of Sensitive Information Collected

Crate may collect the following types of sensitive personal information:

  • Driver’s License Number (DLN)

Purpose of Collection

The sensitive personal information collected by Crate is used solely for the following purposes:

  • Verification of Identity: To confirm consumer identity for account creation or verification purposes.
  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: To meet legal obligations, such as verification of age or identity as required by applicable laws.
  • Service Provision: To deliver specific services that necessitate the collection of such information.

The collection of sensitive personal information is conducted based on one or more of the following legal bases:

  • Legal Obligation: When required by law to collect and verify certain types of personal information.
  • Contractual Necessity: When the collection of sensitive information is necessary for the performance of a contract or provision of services requested by the consumer.
  • Consumer Consent: With explicit consent from the consumer for specific purposes.

7. Privacy Policy by State

Crate complies with applicable state laws regarding the collection, use, and protection of sensitive personal information. The following is a summary of state-specific privacy policies related to the collection of sensitive personal information:

  • California: Crate is compliant with California’s strict privacy laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  • Colorado: Crate adheres to Colorado’s data protection laws concerning sensitive personal information.
  • Florida: Crate complies with Florida’s Information Protection Act (FIPA).
  • Georgia: Crate aligns its practices with Georgia’s regulations on sensitive personal data handling.
  • Illinois: Crate meets Illinois’ standards for the collection and use of sensitive personal information.
  • New York: Crate adheres to New York’s data breach notification laws.
  • Texas: Crate adheres to Texas’ laws governing the collection and use of sensitive personal information.

Note: This list includes selected states. Crate ensures compliance with privacy laws in all states of operation.

8. Changes to Privacy Policy

Crate Platforms values transparency and accountability in data privacy practices. As part of our commitment to consumer trust, we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes in regulatory requirements, technological advancements, or service enhancements. We will provide reasonable notification of material changes to ensure consumers are informed about how their personal information is collected, used, and protected.

  • Notification of Material Changes: Whenever there are material updates to the Privacy Policy, Crate Platforms will provide reasonable notice to affected consumers. This notice may include direct communication via email, notification within the platform, or conspicuous posting of the revised policy on our website.
  • Understanding Changes: Consumers will be informed of the nature of the changes, including updates to data collection practices, security measures, or consumer rights. We aim to ensure clarity and understanding of how these changes may impact personal information handling.
  • Consent for Significant Changes: For significant updates that may impact the way personal information is processed or shared, Crate Platforms will obtain explicit consent from consumers where required by applicable laws or regulations.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or our services, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We value transparency and are committed to addressing any issues promptly and effectively.

Support Channels:

For assistance, you can contact us through the following designated support channels:

  • Live Chat: Available on our website during business hours (PST).

Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you with privacy-related inquiries, service-related questions, or any other concerns you may have. We strive to provide exceptional customer service and ensure that your privacy preferences are respected.

Feel free to reach out to us at any time. Your feedback is important to us and helps us continually improve our services and policies.

By using Crate Platforms, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.